The CARDIMED project continues to move forward, both internationally and in France. The demonstration site on the Saint Jérôme campus in Marseille is almost complete, with 4,560 m2 already unsealed and 70 trees planted last April. A final 1,000 m2 unsealing phase should take place this winter, and the last plantings should be carried out in autumn 2025 for a better plant survival rate, thus finalizing the work on the first demonstrator site. The second demonstration site on the Saint Charles campus is in the preliminary analysis phase and should be ready for unsealing and revegetation work in the summer of 2025.
A first on-site steering committee meeting was held in March 2024, bringing together 40 different partners to present the project, the work carried out, and the in situ scientific monitoring. These partners correspond to the project's local and regional stakeholders (local authorities, financing bodies, municipalities, small and medium enterprises, non-governmental organisations, etc.).
A workshop on digital applications developed as part of the project was held online in October 2024, enabling some twenty local partners to express their needs and opinions regarding the actual use of the applications.
SEMIDE also participated at the annual general meeting, held in Catania from 25 to 27 September 2024. This major meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the progress of work at the various demonstration sites, the development of the 4 digital applications, and to take stock of transferability and replication initiatives. The meeting brought together 51 partners, represented by 130 people. Most of the work on the demonstration sites in the partner countries is scheduled to begin in summer 2025.