Our Partners
Global Water Partnership (GWP)

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) was founded in 1996 to foster integrated water resources management (IWRM), it is an international network which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximise economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. The GWP supports the sustainable management of water resources through its diverse network of over 3,000 partners in 183 countries.
The Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) was established in 2002 as the Mediterranean Regional Water Partnership of the GWP Network. GWP-Med facilitates a multi-stakeholder platform that brings together almost 100 water institutions and organisations. GWP-Med is present in 7 Mediterranean countries with the Secretariat being based in Athens, Greece. GWP-Med aims to promote action and facilitate dialogue on IWRM; provide technical support to policy making; implement demonstration activities; and contribute to skills and knowledge development.
On January 13, 2012, SEMIDE and GWP signed a cooperation agreement to enhance water management practices and knowledge sharing in the Mediterranean region.
Institut Méditerranéen de l’Eau (IME)
The Institut Méditerranéen de l’Eau (IME: Mediterranean Water Institute) is a French association created in Rabat, Morocco, in 1982, bringing together members involved in water issues in the Mediterranean. The IME includes all levels of stakeholders: local and regional authorities, ministerial bodies, professionals (public and private) and individuals with expertise.
The Institute is the first expert network in the Mediterranean to group institutional and technical operators in the water domain. It provides a forum for exchanging information and know-how and for meetings and discussions between the various operators. Its work covers several domains: climate, irrigation and drainage, hydrology and hydrogeology, water supply and treatment, wastewater purification and recycling, continental water protection (surface and groundwater), and aquatic environment development.
International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO)
The International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) is a non-profit association under French law, created in 1994 and based in Paris. It has 192 Members from 88 countries, organized into Regional networks to encourage exchanges based on specific geographical contexts. The International Office for Water (OiEau) is in charge of its Permanent Technical Secretariat.
The INBO’s objectives are to develop permanent relations with river basin management stakeholders; promote sound water management in cooperation programmes; facilitate implementation of institutional and financial management, programming, data banks, and model development tools; promote information and training programmes in water management; encourage population education (especially for the youth); and, evaluate ongoing actions and disseminate their results.